Creation, Evolution, or Both?

August 23, 2012 § Leave a comment

I WATCHED A DOCUMENTARY RECENTLY THAT PURPORTED TO PROVE THAT THE UNIVERSE could not have come into being by chance. Because of the complexity of its physical laws—the way everything worked so perfectly and fitted together so well, each element precisely perfect for its function right down to sub-atomic structure, there had to be an intelligent Creator.

This film was not a very well crafted production, relying too much on tricks like repetition and echoing to emphasize what the producers considered important, but it presented compelling scientific facts of physics, astronomy and so on, and quoted the opinions of many some respected scientists, including Albert Einstein .

I got the point and agreed with the thesis, until suddenly—boom!—the focus changed. I realized that the whole purpose of this production was to ridicule the theory of evolution and to demonize Charles Darwin, thereby proving that the creationist theories of fundamentalist Christians was the truth and the rest of science could be discarded because it didn’t support this belief.

Sadly, they completely miss the point, the real truth is that GOD CREATED AN EVOLUTIONARY UNIVERSE! How much greater, more glorious and awesome is the true story of the universe than the narrow vision of the Christian theosphere.  How much more splendid are the works of God the Creator. Is this beyond our imagination? Must must always fall back on legend and myth to explain the cosmos?

Question: How could stars and galaxies seen through our telescopes, whose light has taken millions of years to reach us, have been created a few thousand years ago?

Why would God create a universe of boundless space with millions of galaxies and billions of stars, for one puny little planet inhabited by a race of primitive, quarrelsome creatures? Surely His vision and creativity are worthy of something much greater.

How arrogant we are to think all this whole creation was made just for us, and how boring it would be for God.

A good argument for Creation is that random and accidental aggregations of matter and energy could not have produced the remarkable biology or the incredible mind of man. No creature that can contemplate his own meaning and his place in the universe could be purely material.

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